Independent Candidate with the experience we need.

Hi, I’m Anny.

Shortly after graduating from SDSU in 2004, I was working two jobs and barely making it financially and emotionally. One night, I finally turned to God and prayed for a job that would pay the bills and allow me to do what I loved to do, which was to help people. That week, I received a call to interview with the Minnehaha County Human Services office. This divine opportunity turned into an almost two decade long career.

I fondly remember my years at Minnehaha County Human Services. I became the wife of a Navy Veteran (who worked for the county at the Equalization office for 5 years), a licensed social worker, a mother of two, a student of Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, an avid volunteer, a successful and respected advocate for vulnerable populations, and the County’s first Community Services and Housing Navigator. 

In 2021, I made the most difficult decision to leave my career. Mayor Paul TenHaken’s article "Why I Fired Myself as CEO” deeply resonated with me for its similarities to my situation. The work I loved so much consumed my identity and my time in and out of the office. My heart was being called back to my family and I was realizing a new way I could help the county. Those two decades being on the front lines of Minnehaha County gave me a unique and intimate look into behind-the-scenes operations. 

I’ve met with current commissioners and the biggest issues they identify are also ones I understand; time needed to do the very big job and employee hiring and retention. Part time commissioners do not have enough time to develop the knowledge and relationships it takes to make informed budgetary decisions. This leads to undue budget inflation.  I also witnessed good employees leaving due to a lack of retention resources and education. My plans are to work with Human Resources closely to create onboarding and retention programs and to connect with state lawmakers in order to help create favorable laws for county taxpayers. I envision a more cohesive county government; forming partnerships, eliminating duplication, and creating solid and informed budgets. I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work.