Serving People, Not Parties.

Welcome! My name is Anny Libengood and I’m running for Minnehaha County Commission. I spent almost 18 years working for Minnehaha County Human Services. During those years, I became the wife of a Navy Veteran, a licensed Social Worker, a mother of two girls, a student of Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, an avid volunteer, a successful and respected advocate, and the county’s first ever Community Services and Housing Navigator.

The thousands of stories and connections with my former clients and colleagues have grown my passion for people-focused and fiscally-conscious solutions. I understand the need for macro-level advocacy and systems-change and I know how to make those changes. My experiences, training, education, and intimate knowledge of Minnehaha County need to be put to work for the good of all of its residents. This is why I’ve chosen to run for Minnehaha County Commission. I greatly appreciate your support.

Campaign Priorities


The Minnehaha County Commission consists of 5 part-time commissioners. However, the county is 810 square miles and includes over 20 cities, townships, and unincorporated areas with over 200,000 people. A part-time commission is not serving the county’s needs adequately. This lack of time invested leads to a lack of knowledge or research necessary to make informed budget, staffing, and resource needs. As I work to increase seats to full time positions, I will create multiple avenues for information gathering regarding county budget needs.

Responsible Budgeting

Working for Minnehaha County for almost 18 years, gave me an intimate view of undue budget inflation and wasteful government spending. Neither past nor current Commissions have considered zero-based budgeting. Instead, they continue to spend more and more without looking at how needs change from year to year. Opt outs become increasingly common because no one is trying to work within their means. Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University taught me that if I don’t have enough money to meet expenses, I need to cut expenses and/or increase my income by getting a second job or a higher paying job. It does not teach me to tell my neighbor to work hard and give me the difference.

Human Resources

Our Minnehaha County employees make the county a better place to live and work for all of us. This important work must be carried out by a competent and healthy workforce. Employee turnover and other preventable issues are costing us our tax dollars. I will work with Human Resources to ensure our County workforce has the right resources, benefits, and flexibility they need to continue doing their vital work as engaged and motivated employees. Creating onboarding programs and establishing partnerships with the townships and cities within Minnehaha County will save time and money.

Property Tax Relief

Our property tax dollars fund many integral and basic necessities mandated by state law. A legislative summer study of property tax assessment methodology is currently underway but it is only expected to ensure the process is uniform across the state. It does not promise any relief. Real relief will take collaboration and state law reform. I will work with our Equalization office and State Legislators to streamline and expand relief programs for our most vulnerable populations. Lasting relief for all tax payers will come from state law reform and responsible budgeting.

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